Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Half Brick A House

Press and politics do not mix in Menton.

On 4 March, the newspaper " ; Le Petit Nice "publishes report of council of Beausoleil, signed by Kevin Adonios Picard. Gérard Spinelli has just all been released from jail where he was detained in custody to view the last 80 days.
Immediately, the mayor denies the charges were brought against him and denounced his long-garde à vue. " At this point that" Gerard Destefanis, first deputy has meanwhile rejected any idea of resignation of the mayor. Brandishing a decision of the Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence: "I remember when Jean Claude Guibal, Deputy Mayor of Menton and his wife Colette Guidicelli at the time deputy mayor, were indicted for corruption in right, neither one nor the other has resigned, and the August 6, 1991 date of the indictment, on June 24, 1998, when public action was statute-barred. " (Excerpt from article Petit Nice)
The same statement appears on the airwaves of local television that night.
The report could have stopped there, but it is not. Jean-Claude Guibal and his wife Gerard Destefanis attack Corrections for public defamation and passing attack as well, for the same reason, Stéphane Cherki, editor of the Petit Nice (and also mayor of Eze). They also call Kevin Adonios Picard, the journalist be convicted of the crime of complicity of public defamation of citizens responsible for public office. It
Either Jean-Claude Guibal Guibal and Colette-Guidicelli never been indicted, and there, the first deputy of Beausoleil lied, or the newspaper had invented the whole thing. But there is enough witnesses to prove that this was not the case.
Yet the "case" has existed since the Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence said the prosecution time-barred 24 June 1998 and the National Assembly, in its report information of 30 March 2000, so state.
In addition, citizens of Mr Guibal do not blame him in this situation, having been reelected easily. Why him and his wife they attacking a journalist and a newspaper?
Because they do their job by reporting an event? Or because there is a political problem, even a local settling of scores? Remember that the Mayor of Menton is also member and director of the Petit Nice is also the mayor of Eze.

Answer (maybe) next Thursday, May 20 at 1:30 p.m. at the court in Nice.

Christian Gallo - © ® Picana


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