Friday, April 30, 2010

Replacement Fuse Belkin Tunebase

Patrouille des Glaciers (the race)

And yes ... This year it took me to the start of the race into a catastrophe for my sister who is replacing injured ... The opportunity to take photos of the interior qques.

My 2 companions soon after the start.

The caterpillar climbs to Riedmatten

Sunrise on the needle of the Tsa

The arrival of the post Riedmatten

And a supporter ... a ...

Arrive Barmaz I left the day before and I'll meet him tomorrow.

The dowsers action

the glacier Mourti heat begins to be felt

The row Rosablanche

A known head ...

Arrival atop the 1800 marches for Damien

A good glass of coca to regain strength ... thank you refuellers


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