Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Get Ur Vip Lock Reset

Beer pong ping pong IS Than funniest!

Spring is in some months.
then lead you to beer pong,
In proposing this new game
you're gonna get a bunch of friends ...

And you hit a lot of chicks!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Loosing Verginity Vedios

We are a Saturday in February where he made a great nice but we've changed our skis against our slippers. Petite session
climbing to Valere.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Does A Rectractable Blind Work

No. .. It's just not possible here ... Tralala

spider man kung fu ....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Kind Of Oil Do I Use For My Hair Buzzer

Looking powder

Today a crossing on the heights with little gradient (1'100m) but cons over 17km gone.

First Summit of the day

A first run in a corridor on route or rather dérappé ...

By cons after it in butter.

Cabin unknown if it

Second ascent of the day ...

... to discover a virgin slopes with little more than 40cm of light powder.

Another cabin area.

view the rest of the day

An early descent grand ... then down a little more chaotic o)