Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dudley Lock Forgot Combination

Cremlystella it's really nothing else to fuck .. The clip

I'm sick ...
stuck with me for four days, I cough, I fly
and I watch crap on TV ..

Today story vary a little fun, I went
walk blogging blogs
pof and I'm still spin on the controversy back
every month on the blogs of girls
"bloggers that is sold or not?

Already I feel like that but there rooo bug that
girls to take the lead on such frivolous nonsense,
blogs of guys that we not talk much .. Yet
sponsorship they use and abuse for many years.

(Flute I'm a girl)

The thing we not understood is that we should shut our mouths and
not to go on blogs that bother us point bar.

They would disappear like magic.
more we complain, the more these blogs will walk ...
Because the more you talk bad,
more one is tempted to see what's happening on the blog said ...

Just as with car accidents:
"oh my god it's awful do not look" .. Ben
one is forced to turn around to see how it's awful ..
is stronger than us.

fast as I heal, I'm looking for stuff under no life ,
Because then I contradict myself completely .
Anyway, since a Nanny
is not broadcast all day, I found a new occupation
to kill time and my germs.

I went to visit 5 blogs quite popular and I made an average of 10:
how many sponsored articles, ads disguised to 10 articles?

No but wait,
the percentage is not the only thing that should go into account ...
Talent is important too.
a good pen
can entertain me even though his article is actually a pub, because it does
take me for a fool.

But let's see just the numbers:
careful about what follows, I point any fingers,
I only see by taking the last 10 items of these bloggers ...

The brunette:

2 items
s personal items or 8
sponso or pub or contests

3 articles characters
5 items or sponso or link or contests
2 Articles Links MonShowroom (partnership)

4 articles characters
2 items links for Sarenza (partnership)
a promo bag punky B

(just cronyism I think, no thunes match)
2 competition (fear, objects characters)


4 articles characters (but I'm not sure)
sponso 6 items or pub or contests

Be beautiful and speaks
: 8 items
2 items or sponso or partnership

Do not spit on the blogs I just mentioned, they are just
Another example among
yen even as I read every day (Others not ..)

And as I said all that is nuanced, pen, personality
and exchange with readers that counts too.

Yeah I know I have really nothing else to fuck .....
Especially the hospital, charity ...
Me too I made notes sponsos ..

Unless there is a limit not to exceed ...

Over 10 items: Be yourself on at least half.

Be not more vicious, just tell it when the pub ..
Trust is good. Personal
I only ask this.

Good if not the week I'll save you a Shiseido
and I'll tell you about a gadget to save your privacy on facebook .. Ben

what ?...... I never said I was all white on this one

Phew anyway, through this article I am not snuffed
for at least half an hour : youpiii.

Not because it is not used much in fact that article,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Diaper Punishment The Yard Sale

Villefranche reconstructed citadel.

lot of people, and beautiful world Friday, in the lobby of the Port of Villefranche-sur-Mer. Jean-Pierre Mangiapan, the first deputy of the town, and the new president of the Academy Montolivo, brought together, in addition to its mayor Gerard Grosgogeat, politicians, artists, entrepreneurs, journalists come to that one refers to them an extraordinary project and amazing.

Villefranche-sur-Mer, as stated in the President has "the greatest monument of the Cote d'Azur. When we pass the drawbridge of the Citadel St. Elmo, one discovers the town hall, technical buildings, museums, a theater. But this site is unique in the world really needs a restoration to be developed. This is the first objective of the new academy to find funds to restore the walls, bastions, casemates, gardens and many areas requiring remediation.

But this project is expensive! Is it very realistic in these times of fiscal restraint? Indeed it seems difficult to rely on state subsidies or tax dollars. But there is yet a possibility, that of cultural patronage. The sponsorship allows an association non-profit to receive donations in cash or in kind. Businesses, foundations and even individuals who frequently participate in cultural activities or social are pleased to become partners in a project that affects them or allowing them to develop their brand image.

Mangiapan Jean-Pierre was also that evening, involves two people working in the framework of patronage: Marie-Christine Oghly, vice president of MEDEF, and Marie-France Noel , researcher, who was in charge of the political patronage of Versailles. Indeed, without sponsorship, the Castle would not be long this wonderful setting.

But once the citadel of Villefranche rehabilitated, what is its purpose? The goal is to make it a cultural hub and major tourist in the south-eastern France. Indeed, this unique little town, lying in the casket of one of the most beautiful bays in the world, and attracts tourists from five continents, will finally be able to develop a cultural policy hitherto timid with this impressive building .

To participate in this unique work, contactez le premier adjoint au 06 27 61 30 63.

Christian Gallo © Le Ficanas ® - Photo : Zulaan

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Scooter Start Then Stop

kitsch Sunday evening

Haaaa Bobby J. ..
is my hero, my favorite Italo disco man of all time.
The guy we met in the street, you take him for a car salesman.

this video from 1984, we can assess its performance during the show
(Discoring is a program of Italian 80's full of nuggets of music,
girls half naked and completely ridiculous clothes.)

My Bobby J looks perfectly in place, very comfortable, not at all stressed.
Her choreography is fantastic. It feels really
he wants to be there ....

But Bobby J is a man who evolves, a year later,
after a diet of cocaine and whores, anise during a lambada, he formed a new
Group: "Avenue".

This video dates from 1985 and is registered for the show "Picchio Rosso"
(a name that makes you dream)

You will notice that the drummer wears a pseudo suede jacket,
the new darling of Parisian fashion bloggers ...