Having attacked Christian Estrosi, the minister and mayor of Nice, in the cases that have shaken René Vestri now attacking Eric Ciotti President of the General Council of Alpes-Maritimes and the new "Mr. Security" of the Elysee. Senator René Vestri UMP is also general counsel of the Canton of Villefranche, "said Township of three ridges. He surprised the proximity between politics and the daily Nice-Matin, which for thousands of Riviera, became a real ballot.
Thus, he criticizes Eric Ciotti not listen and says "Will it take I declare my candidacy in the constituency MP Eric Ciotti Nice in 2012 to be heard from the President of the General Council in 2010? .
To argue this point, he gave a newspaper interview "Le Petit Nice" which is a real firebrand. It is true that he will end up with incumbent cantonal elections next March and the nominee of the UMP, which is a member, it is not him, but the mayor of Cap d'Ail ...
Following the announcement this summer of the nomination of Jacques Peyrat, the former Mayor of Nice to the cantonal and municipal, the end of the year will be rough for Christian Estrosi and Eric Ciotti who believed the department very quiet.
Christian Gallo - © ® Picana